Opteo + ChatGPT

We're excited to announce the release of our ChatGPT integration — Chat, the missing link between your Google Ads data and ChatGPT.

Send snippets of performance data to ChatGPT in a few keystrokes, start leveraging the power of AI to analyse and interpret your data. Get best practice advice, generate new keyword ideas, write high quality RSA headlines, build target audiences, and so much more.

To get started, click the blue icon at the top left of the screen. You can reference campaigns, ad groups, and keywords from your Google Ads account by typing the @ symbol — when referencing an entity, Opteo automatically attaches the relevant performance data to your query, giving Chat everything it needs to respond. For more on entities and attached data, click Entities & Attached Data in the left sidebar.

We also have a Cheatsheet filled with example queries and starting points for conversations. Whether you're generating keywords or RSA creative, there's something for everyone. If you have any ideas for additions to the cheatsheet, please let us know!

We consider this release to be an early version of Chat, we have plans to integrate and develop new features as they become available. We are currently on the waitlist for GPT-4 developer access — as soon as we get access, we'll make the model available for everyone. This also means exciting possibilities like Opteo-designed plugins and even a toolkit for creating display and video creative.

We're making a bet on AI and the potential it has to revolutionise our day to day work. While not perfect at this point in time, we believe in staying ahead of the curve and being positioned to take advantage of any upcoming developments in the space. With this being said, if you have any ideas for new integrations, or improvements we could make to the feature, please submit a feature request or contact support.

As always, we'll be working hard to fix any issues that might come up. If you notice anything that looks like a bug, or if you have an idea that could improve your Chat experience, please make sure to send the customer support team a message.